Period | 1+0 | 2+0 | 3+0 | 4+0 | Child (6 years to 11.9 years old) | Child (2 years to 5.99 years old | infant |
1 Oct~31 Oct 1st Nov~19Dec 20Dec~7th Jan 8th Jan~14th Apr 15th Apr~30th Apr | 4405 4436 5012 4436 5012 | 2651 2682 3007 2682 3007 | 2287 2318 2631 2318 2631 | 2106 2137 2444 2137 2444 | 1591 1609 1803 1609 1803 | 1061 1061 1190 1061 1190 | 125 125 125 125 125 |
Period | 1+0 | 2+0 | 3+0 | 4+0 | Child (6 years to 11.99 years old) | Child (2 years to 5.99 years old | Infant |
1 Oct~31 Oct 1st Nov~19Dec 20Dec~7th Jan 8th Jan~14th Apr 15th Apr~30th Apr | 4850 4881 5447 4881 5447 | 2869 2900 3214 2900 3214 | 2439 2470 2773 2470 2773 | 2225 2256 2552 2256 2552 | 1721 1739 1928 1739 1928 | 1147 1147 1273 1147 1273 | 125 125 125 125 125 |
Period | 1+0 | 2+0 | 3+0 | 4+0 | Child (6 years to 11.99 years old) | Child (2 years to 5.99 years old) | infant |
1 Oct~31 Oct 1st Nov~19Dec 20Dec~7th Jan 8th Jan~14th Apr 15th Apr~30th Apr | 5037 5068 5706 5068 5706 | 2962 2993 3338 2993 2993 | 2532 2563 2563 2250 2563 | 2318 2349 2676 2349 2676 | 1777 1795 2002 1795 2002 | 1185 1185 1323 1185 1323 | 125 125 125 125 125 |